
Here are some examples that allow basic and advanced use of the library.

FontPreview example

FontPreview is a class that creates objects that allow the representation of a font in an image. By default, it creates a white rectangle with a preview of the letters a b c d e f in black.

from fontpreview import FontPreview
fp = FontPreview('/tmp/noto.ttf')   # path of font file
fp.save('/tmp/fp.png')              # default directory is working directory

This is result:

FontPreview image

Now, let’s modify some properties.

fp.font_text = 'Welcome to fontpreview'
fp.bg_color = (253, 194, 45)        # background color. RGB color: yellow
fp.dimension = (300, 250)           # specify dimension in pixel: 300 x 250
fp.fg_color = (51, 153, 193)        # foreground or font color. RGB color: blue
fp.set_font_size(50)                # set font size to 50 pixel
fp.set_text_position('ltop')        # place the text at the top left.
# before saving the image, you need to draw it again
FontPreview image

A background image can also be set.

fp.bg_image = '/tmp/python.png'     # a background image
fp.draw()                           # draw it again
FontPreview image

FontBanner example

FontBanner is a FontPreview-based class, which adds some features to work with one or more objects based on the FontPreview class. With this object since its creation, it is possible to define the orientation: landscape or portrait.

from fontpreview import FontBanner
fb = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape', bg_color=(253, 194, 45))   # path of font file
FontBanner image

Let’s go and change some of the properties.

fb.set_mode('fontname')         # set font_text properties to font name
fb.set_orientation('portrait')  # set vertical orientation of image
FontBanner image

And now, let’s add the FontPreview object created earlier.

fb.font_text = 'Python'
fb.set_font_size(50)            # change font size: FontPreview method
fb.bg_color = 'white'           # set color with name string
fb.set_orientation((300, 800))  # change orientation and size again with tuple
fb.draw()                       # draw it again
fb.add_image(fp, (0, 150))      # add FontPreview object to FontBanner object
FontBanner image

FontLogo example

FontLogo is a FontPreview-based class, which represents a square where inside there are one or two letters. The fontpreview package logo was generated with this class.

from fontpreview import FontLogo
fl = FontLogo('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'Fp')    # specify font and letters. Max 2
FontLogo image

Being a FontPreview based object, it inherits all its characteristics.

fl.font_text = 'TS'
fl.bg_color = (45, 121, 199)    # background color. RGB color: blue
fl.fg_color = 'white'           # foreground color. RGB color: white
fl.set_text_position('rbelow')  # position is "right-below"
FontLogo image

FontWall example

FontWall is a class that represents an image in which there are multiple objects based on the FontPreview class.

This object accepts a list of font paths (with which it automatically builds FontBanner objects) or a list of objects based on the FontPreview class.

The FontWall object has a mode, which can be horizontal or vertical, or just specify the usual tuple of with x and y (x, y) axis. It also accepts a maximum of tiles per row (if the orientation is horizontal) or column (if the orientation is vertical).

from fontpreview import FontBanner, FontWall
# Define the various parts of wall
fb = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape' , mode='fontname')
fb2 = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape' , mode='alpha')
fb3 = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape' , mode='letter')
fb4 = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape' , mode='paragraph')
fw = FontWall([fb,fb2,fb3,fb4])
FontWall image

Any changes made on the parts of the wall are made to the final result.

# Modify properties of first banner
fb.font_text = 'Harry Potter'
fb.bg_color = (43, 43, 43)
fb.fg_color = 'white'
# Modify properties of second banner
fb2.font_text = 'Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels\nwritten by British author J. K. Rowling.'
fb2.bg_color = (150, 45, 46)
fb2.fg_color = 'white'
# Modify properties of third banner
fb3.font_text = 'The series was originally published in English by two major publishers,\nBloomsbury in the United Kingdom and Scholastic Press in the United States. '
fb3.bg_color = (63, 55, 36)
fb3.fg_color = 'white'
fb3.set_font_size(100)                  # the font is resized automatically because it exceeds the size of the banner
# Modify properties of last banner
fb4.font_text = 'A series of many genres, including fantasy, drama,\ncoming of age, and the British school story'
fb4.bg_color = (205, 193, 87)
fb4.fg_color = 'black'
fw.draw(2)                           # draw it again, specify max_tile
FontWall image

FontPage example

FontPage is a class that represents a sample page per font. This object consists of three parts: header, body and footer. These three parts have a standard size defined by a FontPageTemplate (see below).

from fontpreview import FontPage, FontBanner
# Define the various parts of wall
header = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape' , mode='fontname')
body = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape' , mode='paragraph')
footer = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape' , mode='letter')
# Create FontPage object
fpage = FontPage()
# Design all parts
FontPage image

Even with this object, any changes made to the individual parts of the page appear in the final result.

It is also possible to add a FontLogo object to the header, after the header has been defined.

from fontpreview import FontLogo
fl = FontLogo('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'Fp')    # create logo
fpage.set_logo(fl)                      # set logo on header
fpage.body.bg_color = (253, 194, 45)
FontPage image

FontPageTemplate example

FontPageTemplate is a class that represents a template applicable to the FontPage object.

In this object, only the specifications of each part of the FontPage object (header, body, footer) are defined: font size, text position, unit.

The units (default 6) are equal parts divided across the height of the page.

from fontpreview import FontPageTemplate
template = FontPageTemplate(3508)           # max height of page
template.set_body(170, 1, 'lcenter')        # font_size, units, text_position
template.set_footer(100, 4, 'lcenter')      # font_size, units, text_position
# Create FontPage object
fpage = FontPage(template=template)
# Design all parts
FontPage image

FontBooklet example

FontBooklet is a class that represents a book of FontPage object.

from fontpreview import FontPage, FontBanner, FontBooklet
# Define the various parts of page
header = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape' , mode='fontname')
body = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape' , mode='paragraph')
footer = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf', 'landscape' , mode='letter')
# Create FontPage object
fpage1 = FontPage(header=header, body=body, footer=footer)
fpage2 = FontPage(header=header, body=body, footer=footer)
# Design all parts
# Create book
book = FontBooklet(fpage1, fpage2)
book.save('/tmp/noto_book/')        # save page1.png, page2.png in /tmp/noto_book/ folder

Declarative object creation

Each FontPreview and FontPage based object in this module has a declarative instance implementation.

from fontpreview import FontPreview, FontBanner, FontLogo, FontPage
# FontPreview object
fp = FontPreview('/tmp/noto.ttf',
                font_text='some text',
                dimension=(800, 400))
# FontBanner object
fb = FontBanner('/tmp/noto.ttf',
# FontLogo object
fl = FontLogo('/tmp/noto.ttf',
                size=(170, 170),
# FontPage object
page = FontPage(header=fb, logo=fl, body=fb, footer=fb)